Raw & Organic Honeycomb


New 2023 crop! 


The Miracle of Nature

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The 2023 crop! Our honeybees collect nectar from wildflowers between middle June and end of August throughout the surrounding  pastures and make this amber colored natural honey combs.

Each ear is slightly different due to the various plants that flower on the pastures that make it possible for the bees to gather the nectar and turn it into honey. The sweet honey flavor varies  depending on the year and depending on what plants flower that season.

Raw comb honey is a traditional form of honey that preserves the honey flavors inside the comb and is fully edible.

The beeswax comb  is made by the worker bees a few days before they fill it with fresh honey and then cap off with thin layer of more beeswax. We simply cut the comb out of the the wood frames and then cut it into smaller pieces for sale. No other processing step or heat is used to prepare these sweet treats of nature for an ultimate raw honeycomb flavor experience!

Health benefits:

Chewing honeycomb has multiple benefits for the body.

Honey by itself has antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antimycotic, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Folk medicine knows for sure that chewing honeycomb is beneficial for the mucous membranes of all respiratory organs.

Honey along with the honeycomb improves immunity and strengthens resistance to colds. With its action, it affects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and cleans the teeth from tartar.

It is an excellent tool in the fight against sinus inflammation, cleans the lungs and is also rich in vitamin A.

By chewing honeycomb, a part of the wax remains in the body, passes through the intestines, and affects the healing of ulcers and hemorrhoids. Wax is not broken down in the intestines because the human body does not have these enzymes.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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