Raw honey with Organic Ceylon Cinnamon


The combination of honey and cinnamon is said to promote weight loss, melt fat deposits, affect the regulation of sugar and cholesterol, and is recommended as one of the best natural combinations…and its delicious too!



The combination of honey and cinnamon is said to promote weight loss, melt fat deposits, affect the regulation of sugar and cholesterol, and is recommended as one of the best natural combinations…and its delicious too!

Natural honey is an excellent substitute for sugar and it’s wonderful when combined with cinnamon because they complement each other so well. Together, they are said to reduce triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood) and are a good option for diabetics. Both honey and cinnamon are anti-inflammatory, fight allergies and help to strengthen your immune system. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon help the body fight infections and inflammation, which allows the combination of honey and cinnamon to aid the healing wounds and various skin infections. We’ve been told they help with weight loss too.

We hope you enjoy the perfection of this 100% natural product that we have prepared for you.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs