Wildflower Bee Pollen Granules




Organic Wildflower Bee Pollen from Burlington, IL

Experience the unique taste of Bee pollen from the meadows full of wildflowers with our all-natural, organic bee pollen.

While everyone knows honey is an excellent source of energy, pollen also contains an amazing treasure of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other very valuable components. Daily use of pollen can provide many necessary vitamins, and the plant fibers contained in it are also known to help eliminate
some digestive issues and disorders.
Pollen is a powdery substance produced by most types of flowering seed plants. It is found in the anthers of the !owers and is vital to plant reproduction. Pollen is o#en called “the source of life” because it serves as food for the honeybee species which the world relies on to pollinate the plants that produce much of the food we eat. For bees, pollen is
extremely important and represents the food without which they cannot raise their brood and produce the wax needed to store nectar. The pollen we sell is collected when honeybees land at the entrance of their hive. A small portion of the pollen they have gathered, falls from their pollen baskets that are part of their rear legs into a wooden drawer when they pass through a “pollen trap” found at the entrance.
It takes approximately 5,000 bees to harvest 1 pound of pollen.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 6 in


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